Search Results

These are your search results based on your input. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try a different keyword or try searching our resources further down the page.

Search results for ‘workforce job’ (78)


We are grateful for the contribution from our valued partners, who are committed to supporting the tourism, events and hospitality industry, especially as we work our way out of the COVID-19 impacts.

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Accessible Tourism

This page brings together several access and inclusion partners and programs in Victoria that support the tourism sector of the state.

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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander connections

Welcome to the VTIC industry support hub. We have collated contacts, connections, reading and more for our evolving tourism and events industry inclusive of our First Peoples of Victoria

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Circle of control self-help worksheet

Circle of control self-help worksheet.

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Find a mentor

Tourism and the broader Visitor economy is full of smaller and medium size businesses, a mentor for business or even career paths can be very useful. We have collated a few mentor resources for you to start your own journey.

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Submission Writers & Mentors

This page has a variety of mentors and submission writers in the tourism and events industry. Some get very busy, so its important to plan early.

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Search our extensive range of support resources

Consolidated and developed in collaboration with industry experts, these business support resources aim to meet your immediate needs and guide you through recovery. We will continue to update this hub with information and resources to support the industry moving forward.



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19 June 2023