Search Results

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Search results for ‘crisis’ (43)

Regulation changes for workforce and workplace

Workforce and Workplace regulations are changing. All businesses will need to ensure their documentation and proceedures are considered as we continue in this decade. Please always consider in relation to your own business and employment needs, and governement changes.

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Customer Aggression Management Training

In this session we welcome Allan Briggs- CEO and founder of Crisis Shield. Run Time – 1 hour 40 minutes. Presented 26 Oct 2021

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Supporting staff wellbeing in stressful news cycles

Tips on how to best nurture staff wellbeing during stressful news cycles when we are all constantly faced with grim reports from the media day-in-day-out, whether it’s COVID updates, the cost of living crisis, the environment or world events. 5:07 min

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Ahead For Business – Effects of Floods on Small Business

Communities and small businesses need support to maintain mental wellbeing, and to prevent mental health problems developing. So what can you do to support your mental health and your small business before, during and after flooding? A great resource in times of crisis.

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Reopening Resources

Consolidated and developed in collaboration with industry experts, these business support resources aim to meet your immediate needs and guide you through recovery.

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Prime Mentoring for Greater Melbourne

Final intake for Prime Mentoring is now open, aply now to ensure the best is made of the time left to maximise the mentoring. Open to Greater Melboure businesses. Closes Mid March 2023 – Dont miss out!

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Business Recovery and Resilience Mentoring for Small Businesses

The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in partnering with the Victorian Government is delivering a business mentoring program to help small businesses navigate the economic challenges posed by restrictions to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

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Welcome to the VTIC Tourism and Events Support Hub. The online place that brings industry support and connections together in one place for Victorian Tourism and Events operators and supporting businesses.

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Typsy – Micro-Credentialing for Greater Melbourne

Micro-credential training open now until June 2023 for businesses and their staff wanting a refresh or update their skills, as delivered by TYPSY – This is a pilot program open to Greater Melbourne operators and their teams.

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Business recovery

Business support comes in many forms, grant opportunities, upskilling programs, mentors and more. Here a collection of diverse programs…

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Latest News

Happenings and news for businesses in the Victorian Tourism, Hospitality and Events sector.

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Programs and Grants

Grant options are found from various sources for the tourism industry. VTIC are compiling lists of available grants and financial support.

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Search our extensive range of support resources

Consolidated and developed in collaboration with industry experts, these business support resources aim to meet your immediate needs and guide you through recovery. We will continue to update this hub with information and resources to support the industry moving forward.



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20 August 2023