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Search results for ‘accreditation licence’ (49)

Learn about Quality Tourism Framework Accreditation

Learn more about the Quality Tourism Framework – the development pathways, benefits and how to get involved

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Mental Health First Aid Accreditation

Mental Health First Aid® (MHFA™) teaches people the skills to help someone who they’re concerned about. Fee involved. Online or Face to Face

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Flood Support

Victoria floods information when relevant are contnually evolving, this page offers links to official information.

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Traffic Management & Impacts

Visitors and businesses need to know when roads close or are impacted by weather, events or other reasons. We have collated a list of travel impacts here for Greater Melbourne. Regional Victoria will be noted also when possible

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Fire Preparedness

Managing staff and customers, training protocols and finding Covid related support is evolving. With consultation of industry leaders, government and other stakeholders it is understood that various sectors continue to deal with impacts of covid cases.

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Bus Operator Number Plates

Bus operator number plates and accreditation has changed in March 2022, find out more on changes and new processes (Govt)

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Great Ocean Road Coast & Parks Authority Permits etc

The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (the Authority) has various licences, leases and permits, please check what is relevant to your needs

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Are you looking for work in this industry?

Jobs board page for the tourism and events sectors. We are regularly adding more services to this HUB page.

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Regulation changes for workforce and workplace

Workforce and Workplace regulations are changing. All businesses will need to ensure their documentation and proceedures are considered as we continue in this decade. Please always consider in relation to your own business and employment needs, and governement changes.

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Excellence & Best Practice Page

We have many resources on this page,. Take your time, save some in your account to return to later. Excellence, best practice and more will vary from sector to sector.

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Sustainable Tourism

Welcome to the VTIC industry support hub. We have collated contacts, connections, reading and more for our evolving tourism and events industry inclusive of our First Peoples of Victoria

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Changed Conditions & Closures of Parks

Via Parks Victoria – There will be times when, in the interests of visitor safety and environmental sustainability, access roads, visitor sites or entire parks and reserves will need to be closed or have access restricted. If you work as a Licenced Tour Operators in these parks, this link is a handy one to book mark

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Search our extensive range of support resources

Consolidated and developed in collaboration with industry experts, these business support resources aim to meet your immediate needs and guide you through recovery. We will continue to update this hub with information and resources to support the industry moving forward.



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23 January 2023