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Search results for ‘accessible accessibility inclusion’ (71)

Accessible Tourism

This page brings together several access and inclusion partners and programs in Victoria that support the tourism sector of the state.

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Breaking Barriers on Accessibility

City of Melbourne and Vtic present this event. No matter what your budget or starting point, learn how you can increase accessibility for all Melburnians at our first accessibility seminar, specific to business.

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Accessibility & Inclusion page

Accessibility and inclusion are important considerations in all areas of the visitor economy. This page brings together diverse support and knowledge to improve accessibility in businesses.

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ATEC Accessible & Inclusive Host Program

Online learning for new operators or those wanting a refresh, as delivered by ATEC – this is the new Accessible and Inclusion Host program.

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WCAG – Accessibility

Centre for Accessibility offers updates on how to focus on best practice for accessibility in your digital business representation.

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UNTWO – Accessibility Portal

UNWTO, Fundación ONCE and the Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE) launched a user guide to apply international standards targeting accommodation, food & beverage and MICE companies. This new guidance tool should serve as a starting point for assessing their levels of accessibility, as well as for developing or adapting accessible services and experiences offered by these

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Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference

The Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference in the Asia-Pacific (AITCAP) is a yearly event that provides all tourism stakeholders (businesses, tour operators, policy makers, DMOs)

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Inclusion Training Program for Accommodation Operators

Facilitated by Accessible Accomodation and Spinal Cord Injuries Australia these short courses are designed for managers and their crew to confidently welcome guests with disabilities, eliminating worry about a poor guest experience. Focusing on inclusion and real-world, practical situational examples from the people who benefit the most- your guests.

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Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Subsidy Scheme

The Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Subsidy Scheme is part of an ongoing commitment to expand and maintain the accessibility of WAV services in urban, regional and country Victoria. – this seems to be for Taxi licenced vehicles, we are checking

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Accessible Beaches

Accessibility continues to be such an important part of our industry inclusion. Search the Victoria options via this directory to behave your customer opportunities

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Being an Inclusive and Accessible Tourism Business – THE BUSINESS CASE

Being an Inclusive and Accessible Tourism Business – THE BUSINESS CASE. This engaging ½ day workshop is designed specifically for small to medium sized tourism businesses. Click more to register

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Vision Summit Resources

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Search our extensive range of support resources

Consolidated and developed in collaboration with industry experts, these business support resources aim to meet your immediate needs and guide you through recovery. We will continue to update this hub with information and resources to support the industry moving forward.



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14 March 2023