Victorian program with premium content is available until September 30th

Typsy contact for support :  note: Donna is the program contact at Typsy.

Skills in the Visitor Economy

Bite size online training

Typsy microcredential training for Victoria is part of the Australian Government’s Choose Tourism initiative to help the states and territories position tourism as a career of choice and attract workers to fill the many vacant positions in our industry across the country. Find out more re: the Victorian Choose Tourism program

Presented by

Logos for The Australian Government, Typsy, VTIC, Thrive 2030 and Victorian Government


What courses have been made for Victoria?

  • Handshake icon blue

    In partnership with VTIC and 13 of Victoria’s regional tourism boards, partnerships and industry experts, 20 lessons have been created for industry. See the Promotional Videos as below

    13 x Victorian regional lessons

    The regional courses are quick simple lessons and tips for workers to maximise when visitors arrive and are keen to know more of the region.

    3 part course on customer service in the visitor economy

    2 x mentor sessions on working in the industry

    2 x lessons relating to engagement with First Nations peoples in tourism, and engaging in accessible and inclusive tourism in Victoria.

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    Have you have already registered for this program with Typsy? Log in for the first lessons of the Victorian content here

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    How are the completed courses recognised? Micro credential badges are earned after a short quiz at the end of each completed course. Several of the Victorian lessons have resources to download too. Most lessons in a course are 5 or 6 minutes long. They can be done anywhere on any digital screen.

Register now

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    What is Typsy?

    Typsy is all about industry tips made easy. It is an online learning platform delivering team training for workers and teams in tourism, events and hospitality. When many businesses are time poor and wanting to ensure strong knwledge across their teams, Typsy offers access to fundamental skills for the sector, and leadership and management skills for improved staff retention. Read their BLOG for more info

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    Who is the Victoran content on Typsy designed for?

    This series of bite size learning models are designed to inspire workers in the visitor economy to have confidence when engaging with visitors in Victoria.

    The lessons are ideal for tourism, events and hospitality businesses who may have new staff, working holiday makers or job seekers new to the area, event volunteer staff, seasonal teams, back of house staff looking to know more about the industry, and as a baseline for all staff knowledge.

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    Businesses register and then invite their teams.

    Jobseekers can register to explore career options

    Volunteers can register to expand their scope.

Typsy Victorian Series promo

Typsy has a series of Victorian focused online bite size training courses to assist businesses to train and engage their staff on the regions and sectors of the Victorian visitor economy. Presenter Jacqui Cooper shares some of what is gained by doing these lessons. Delve deeper for more information.

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16 April 2024