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Search results for ‘workforce job’ (78)

5 ways to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder in the workplace

How to address Seasonal Affective Disorder and winter blues at work to retain a happy workforce and high productivity. (SAD)

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Workplace Diligence

Business regulations are always changing, this Hub page will assist with changes that may impact your business. Independant advice is always encouraged.

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Greater Melbourne

Greater Melbourne is what our customers know as Melbourne. We are bringing together the many operators and groups that engage with the Visitor Economy here. Use the search tools for more specific links.

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Working hours for Student Visa Holders

To address workforce shortages, student visa work hours have been temporarily relaxed. Students will be able to work before their course of study commences. Student visa holders are able to work more than 40 hours a fortnight in any sector of the economy. This in place until further notice

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Keeping up with Employment laws

Keeping up with Employment Laws can be complex, we have a new page for wor place diligence, but also here is new particularly relvant to EASTER work by your teams.

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Crisis Planning

Managing staff and customers, training protocols and finding Covid related support is evolving. With consultation of industry leaders, government and other stakeholders it is understood that various sectors continue to deal with impacts of covid cases.

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Right now, or tomorrow you and your staff are likely facing tremendous challenges, many of which might seem small, change often or appear insurmountable. Small steps via these resources may help

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VTIC Insight Series – Chat GPT

AI and Chat GPT are just another of the many tools available to discerning businesses. In this VTIC Insight Series an update is offered on examples of how to use these tools and also things to watch for to avoid the pitfalls.

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Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme

This program aims to help Australian businesses address workforce shortages, via 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Lestewith a focus on employment in rural and regional communities. There are particular criteria, so please check if your company is eligible, or how to engage.

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New Business Assistance with NEIS

A Workforce Australia Program, the New Business Assistance with NEIS (New Enterprise Incentive Scheme) can help you to start and develop your small business by providing Accredited small business training, Help to develop a business plan, Personalised mentoring from a NEIS provider, NEIS Allowance fand NEIS Rental Assistance (if eligible)

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Work-life balance

By creating a work environment that prioritizes work-life balance, employers can save money and maintain a healthier, more productive workforce. (23:02 min)

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Launch Into Work – Govt Support

The Launch into Work program supports the delivery of pre-employment projects that prepare job seekers for specific entry-level roles with an organisation. Primarily focused on creating long-term employment pathways for women. Extended to June 2028. This is a great program if you have roles that meet the criteria.

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Search our extensive range of support resources

Consolidated and developed in collaboration with industry experts, these business support resources aim to meet your immediate needs and guide you through recovery. We will continue to update this hub with information and resources to support the industry moving forward.



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17 August 2022