Search Results

These are your search results based on your input. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try a different keyword or try searching our resources further down the page.

Search results for ‘workforce job’ (78)

Are you looking for work in this industry?

Jobs board page for the tourism and events sectors. We are regularly adding more services to this HUB page.

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Are you looking for a job in this industry?

This page is a list of diverse job page listings plus other emplyment options

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Job Trainer Australia

Job Trainer Australia, based in WA offers online training for Hospitality.

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VTIC’s Jobs Board

VTIC members post their current job offereings here, this link is open to the public. This is a great link to save to return to often.

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Jobs Victoria – Hospitality Traineeship Program (For Employers)

Jobs Victoria, in partnership with Westvic Staffing Solutions, are supporting 240 jobseekers to take up traineeships with small and medium-sized hospitality and tourism businesses across regional Victoria. Businesses can take on trainees for up to 12 months, and those that employ staff for three months or more can access incentives of up to $5,000.

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Scout – Event jobs across Melbourne

Scout is a hospitality rich jobs site, so we have selected the Events listings for this resource link.

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Digital Jobs Program

Does your organisation need talented people with digital skills? Hosting a Digital Jobs program participant is a great way to fast-track recruitment for digital roles and increase diversity in your digital team. Find out more on this program from the Victorian State Government

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Recruitment Support from Jobs Vic Partners

Jobs Victoria Partners can assist with recruitment planning and connect you to ready, local candidates. It’s a free service. This may be a great way to support your search for new team members.

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Vic Tourism and Events Industry Jobs Boards

We have collated a diverse page of jobs board links – we addd more when we find relevant ones – Seeking to work, recruit or evolve in our industry – start here

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Sick Pay Guarantee – Eligible Jobs

The Victorian Government has listed the 400+ jobs that the Sick Pay Guarantee will be available for. This is for Casual and Contract workers, please note the criteria.

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Employers – List your tourism job via Welcome to Travel

As part of their travel service for international backpackers, Welcome to Travel helps travellers to find jobs by linking them with employers. Employers can join the employment database for free and post jobs available.

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Recently lost your job?

Taking care of yourself after losing your job.

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Search our extensive range of support resources

Consolidated and developed in collaboration with industry experts, these business support resources aim to meet your immediate needs and guide you through recovery. We will continue to update this hub with information and resources to support the industry moving forward.



Other helpful Information

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09 June 2022